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30 Years at the Homeopathy School International (HSI)

Amazing how it has been 30 years of continuous progress at the Homeopathy School since that beautiful fall day, when 23 enthusiastic students met for their first Homeopathy class in Denver. Just as the glowing Aspen leaves drop from the trees, an enchanting time in the Colorado Mountains, the golden light and mood of the

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Video: Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI)

HRI is a UK-based charity dedicated to promoting high quality research in homeopathy at an international level. The charity was founded by physicist, Dr Alexander Tournier, who previously worked as an independent researcher for Cancer Research UK, conducting interdisciplinary research at the boundaries between mathematics, physics and biology.

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Video: Homeopathic Research: What there is to know

There is actually a lot more research on homeopathy than most people realize.  It is very practical to know about some of these good studies because they can help convince people to try homeopathy.  Because of this, your knowledge of homeopathic research can help grow your practice…and it can also help more people accept the

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Little Boy with a Big Tummy ache

The homeopathic remedy Antimonium crudum (Ant-c.) is made from native Sulphide of Antimony. Children that may need this remedy can be very picky about what they eat, very thin and sickly looking. The remedy has a strong affinity for the stomach and digestive tract and is often used for digestive complaints like nausea or indigestion after overeating (like during the holidays). The stomach complaints of Ant-c are often accompanied by headache and loss of appetite.

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Homeopathy – The Road Less Traveled

written by Debbie Lamb Many people are familiar with Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken, which narrates a traveler’s thoughts as he ponders which of two woodland paths to take. In the end, he chose the road “less traveled by,” which “made all the difference.” Not as many people are familiar with homeopathy. I,

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Webinar: Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex chronic condition that impairs social communication and interaction across multiple contexts. These challenges make creating and maintaining relationships difficult. Additionally, ASD is characterized by restricted and perseverative patterns of behavior, interests and activities. It is sometimes described as a “neuro-behavioral-psychiatric-genetic-gastrointestinal” disorder because there are multiple organ systems and

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Video: Let’s talk about Potency and Dose – with Kim Elia

In this zoom session Kim will explore various approaches to homeopathic posology (potency and dose), historically and practically. He will touch upon different methods from the 4th, 5th and 6th editions of the Organon and present case examples. Kim will also share his reasoning for the selected potency and dose. During this zoom session you

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Video: Let’s Talk about Symptoms

Barbara Seideneck, CHom, CCH, RSHom is the founder and director of HSI and is since 1997 nationally certified with the Council for Homeopathic Certification(CCH). Barbara has been teaching homeopathy since 1994 with emphasis on case taking, case analysis and case supervision. In “Let’s Talk About Symptoms” Barbara discusses helpful concepts on how to evaluate symptoms

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Arnica in my Backpack

My husband and I were on a bike packing trip in 2021 on the Great Allegheny Passage bike trail that runs 150 miles from Cumberland, Maryland to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Because we were biking from one bed and breakfast to the next, I had all my remedies with me on the bike. My helmet hung from...

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A poem by Sara Anderson Grandpa loved a good steak,But it made his big toe ache.It throbbed and was worse when he moved,No way could his foot be used. Grandma wanted to cheer him,She picked a rose to uplift him.The smell made him sick he said,Remove this rose from my bed! What can be done...

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Memorial Day – Help for Those Who Grieve

The last Monday in May is set apart to honor those who have lost their life in service to our country. Memorial day is a day to remember those who served in the military and paid the ultimate price. Homeopathy can help ease the grief of those who have lost a loved one, whether it...

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Plant Sources for Homeopathic Remedies

Jürgen Weiland, a homeopath in Bonn, Germany is also a passionate photographer, and over the past years he has used this skill to approach, identify and document the plant kingdom. His plant database is published on: www.pflanzenportraits.com  The Photographer Jürgen lives and practices homeopathy in Bonn, Germany, where he has been running a clinic since...

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What’s Love Got to Do with It?

What's Love Got to Do with It? You may recognize these lyrics from Tina Turner's song which was released in 1984 and became her best-selling single. She goes on to sing, "Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?" And what does homeopathy have to do with that? As homeopaths are apt to...

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China Officinalis

A poem by Jill Dema, HSI student In the realm of remedies, China Officinalis, Abbreviated as Chin, a healing apparatus. First proven in homeopathy’s tender embrace, A portrait of traits, a therapeutic grace. Introverted, intense, touchy, and idealistic, A soul attuned to the world, sensitive and mystic. Ideal for teenagers, excitable in the night, Walter...

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Why I am a student of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is fascinating! I was lucky enough to have been exposed to the wonders of homeopathy 12 years ago when my oldest son was a baby with chronic wheezing. Looking for a better solution than the cookie-cutter answers my pediatrician gave every week, I changed to a holistic pediatrician who didn’t let his ego get...

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Homestead Homeopathy

Living in rural SW Colorado, homeopathic remedies fit seamlessly into my daily country life. There’s a remedy for all that ails us – even for our fur babies!

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Homeopathy for Environmental Allergies

This overview of multiple trials aimed to confirm that homeopathy is not just a placebo effect. The design was the gold standard of studies – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multi-center study.

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How can Classical Homeopathy Help your PMS: Insights from Two Studies

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be a challenging condition for women and adolescents, characterized by a range of physical and emotional symptoms during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle. In the pursuit of effective PMS management, classical homeopathy has emerged as a potential holistic approach. This article provides concise summaries of two studies that delve...

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Homeopathy for Head Injuries: A Pathway to Healing

Head injuries can really change a person’s life. According to the CDC, over 1.5 million people the United States alone experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year. About 75% of them have a "mild" traumatic brain injury (MTBI), commonly known as concussions. Don't let the term "mild" fool you though, as they can have...

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Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford