+1 970-685-4613

Courses & Tuition

Table of Contents

HSI courses are open to individuals seeking professional study in homeopathy. Completion of the 1000+ hour curriculum provides the knowledge and skills required to enter the profession as an independent practitioner of classical homeopathy.
Studying at any time from any location in the world supplies the flexibility to seek professional expertise while maintaining personal obligations to work and family. Study may begin at any time throughout the year. During the program students have access to the school’s cutting edge, integrated curriculum and receive personal feed-back on all assignments from expert CHC certified faculty.
All Courses Require:

  • Access to a computer with MS Word Software
  • Access to equipment capable of playing a USB flash drive
  • Access to reliable email and internet services
  • Competency in spoken and written English

Practitioner Certificate Program

Each of the Foundations and Clinical Applications courses, HSI 101-202, is scheduled to be completed within 6 months. Advanced Clinical Studies, HSI 301, is scheduled to be completed within a year and lays a solid foundation on which to build a homeopathy practice.

Course Content

Foundations – HSI 101 and HSI 102

  • History, theory and practical application of homeopathic techniques
  • Homeopathic remedies used for first aid, acute and chronic conditions
  • Practice with homeopathic reference tools
  • Case taking skills for acute and chronic conditions
  • Case analysis methods for acute and chronic conditions
  • Analysis of video-recorded clinic and student generated cases
  • Seminars presented by international instructors
  • “Hot topic” webinars and zoom sessions
  • Case work and written assignments guided by CHC certified homeopaths

Clinical Applications – HSI 201 and HSI 202

  • Observation and analysis of video cases recorded at the schools’ clinic
  • Supervised independent case work
  • Application of homeopathic remedies for chronic conditions
  • Advanced homeopathic topics
  • Seminars presented by international instructors
  • “Hot topic” webinars and zoom sessions
  • Clinic and student case work supervised by CHC certified homeopaths

Advanced Clinical Studies (ACS) – HSI 301

The focus of ACS is on advanced practical experience in case taking and case analysis so essential to the successful practice of homeopathy. This course hones the clinical skills indispensable to successful practice and prepares for the national exam with the Council of Homeopathic Certification.

  • Case Analysis techniques and remedy selections demonstrated online by renowned homeopaths from around the world.
  • Clinical Supervision of independent student cases by nationally certified homeopaths with focus on developing practical clinical skills.
  •  HSI Study Guide for the CHC Exam with reviews and quizzes of Materia Medica, Repertory, Philosophy of Homeopathy, and Health Sciences.

After successful completion of the HSI program, students earn the designation Certified Professional Homeopath (CPHom). To earn the CHC designation (CCH) courses in Anatomy & Physiology and Pathology are required prerequisites for the CHC exam.

With 500 documented hours of study in Classical Homeopathy from a school other than HSI please apply here to transfer.

HSI Provided Course Materials

Course materials are sent electronically or by priority mail including:

  • An easy-to-follow syllabus outlining lecture topics, assignments and expected learning outcomes
  • Video recorded lectures and clinics
  • Practice cases and practice activities
  • Online cases
  • Webinars and seminars on contemporary homeopathic topics
  • A collection of selected articles on homeopathic topics
  • Self-checks, quizzes and a final test (open book)
  • HSI Study Guide for the CHC exam

Once enrolled at HSI, immediately order your required books. Your support faculty will contact you and help you get started. As soon as your course materials binder and electronic files arrive you begin studying. This can all happen within one week of enrollment.

During your studies you will follow clearly outlined assignments and work with recorded lectures and clinical cases. You will also participate in live webinars and zoom sessions. CHC certified support faculty and/or case supervisors will comment on your work by email and are available by phone, email, text or zoom.

I would really like to thank you for all the nice and encouraging feed back on my work and for returning the assignments so quickly. I am so glad I chose this program. I really enjoy it and will recommend it to anyone who is interested in Homeopathy. Great instructors and material that is interesting and challenging!

Irene Grifantini, CHom, HSI graduate


Course number Tuition
HSI 101 (6 months)
$3,000 (US)
HSI 102 (6 months)
$3,000 (US)
HSI 201 (6 months)
$3,000 (US)
HSI 202 (6 months)
$3,000 (US)
HSI 301 – ACS (12 months)
$3,000 (US)


Once enrolled at HSI, immediately order your required books. The cost of required books is estimated at $400 to $800 (US); the purchase of additional or recommended books and homeopathic software increases expenses. In addition to the tuition, there is a $200 (US) deposit for the digital course content. The deposit is refunded upon return of the USB flash drive. All materials are copyrighted and the sole property of the Homeopathy School International.

This program is terrific. I’m glad I chose this school. I’ve recommended it to a lot of others who are interested in studying homeopathy.

Student Evaluation

I have really enjoyed the process of case supervision and got a lot out of it! I have valued your precision, guidance and insights. I feel different today compared to two years ago. You have been a huge piece of this. Thank you for all of your care.

Karen M. Diefenbach, Homeopathic Consultant, NYS LMT, RYT, HSI Advanced Studies graduate

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford