Barbara Seideneck
Barbara Seideneck, CHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) is the founder of the Homeopathy School International (HSI) established in 1990. Barbara has been teaching homeopathy since 1994 with emphasis on case taking, case analysis and case supervision. She has been nationally certified with the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CCH) since 1997 and is a member of the North American Society of Homeopath since 2001. Barbara conducted extensive provings of Amethyst, Aquilegia Vulgaris and Aquilegia Coerulea Columbines, Ayahuasca and Emerald. Barbara is the founder and past President of the Council of Homeopathy Schools and Colleges (CHSC), served on the Case-Exam Committee of the CHC, the Board of ACHENA (Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America), and works in Loveland, Colorado

Jody Shevins
Jody Shevins, ND, DHANP, CCH, obtained her Naturopathic Doctorate from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1984. Jody completed post-graduate work with the International Foundation for Homeopathy and holds a diploma from the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians. Jody has been practicing in Boulder, Colorado since 1984 and has taught at HSI since 1991. Jody is a founding faculty member.

Polly Millet
Polly Millet, MSN, CCH is a graduate of the Florida Academy of Classical Homeopathy and is a nationally certified homeopath. She is a retired Nurse Practitioner and Nursing educator with 40 years of experience in classroom, online and clinical instruction. She has enjoyed many years of mentoring students and graduates, both nurses and new and aspiring homeopaths. She has worked with the Council for Homeopathic Certification. She is the past President of the Florida Homeopathic Society. She is president of Homeopaths Without Borders.

Debbie Lamb
Debbie Lamb, CPHom, CCH, is a graduate of Homeopathy School International and has joined the school as Support Faculty to oversee student assignments. Debbie has served on the board of the Florida Homeopathic Society as Communications Director and maintained the FHS website. She is a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner certified in the use of Bach Flower remedies. As a homeopathic educator and consultant who lives in Florida, Debbie enjoys serving a growing number of clients who are interested in homeopathy.

William Wallick
William Wallick, B.S., Pol. Sci. & Public Administration, joined the school in 2001 to administratively support the school’s expansion. With an extensive experience in video production and his involvement as Media Specialist for Boulder Valley Schools, Bill was instrumental in developing the school’s distance education video program. He currently manages the HSI school office and the school’s media participation.

Anne Schadde
Anne Schadde has been practicing homeopathy and psychotherapy in Munich/Germany since 1986. She was one of the founders of the Homeopathy Forum in Gauting/Munich and the European & International Councils for Classical Homeopathy and teaches in Germany and other countries. She conducted homeopathic provings of Ozone, Lithium carbonicum, Cypraea eglantina (Cowrie-Shell), Lignum aquilaria agallocha (a scented wood), and Gingko biloba. Anne has been teaching for the school since 1997 and is a member of the HSI Board of Directors.

Barbara Yarnell
Barbara Yarnell, CCH, (NA) PCH, CHom, is a nationally certified homeopath and has a private practice in Denver, CO (USA). She graduated from the Professional and Advanced Programs at the Homeopathy School International, received a diploma from the Dynamis School in England, and studied extensively with Rajan Sankaran and Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan in the US and India. Barbara has served on on the Board of the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CCH), has been a faculty member of HSI from 2002 – 2017 and is currently a member of the HSI Board of Directors.

Kiersten Stevenson
Kiersten Stevenson, MEd., MA, CHom, holds graduate degrees in English and Education and certificates in Homeopathy and Health and Wellness Coaching. She taught writing and cultural studies at the University of Rhode Island and currently teaches holistic nutrition and journaling at Front Range Community College (FRCC). Kiersten is a graduate of the Homeopathy School International (HSI) and practices homeopathy in Longmont, CO. She sits on the advisory boards of both HSI and the Integrative Health and Wellness Program at FRCC.
Guest Lecturers
HSI regularly hosts national and international guest lecturers that have included:
- Kim Elia, CCN – USA – View a Sample Teaching Video
- Ian Luepker, ND – View Ian’s Sample Teaching Video
- Richard Moskowitz, MD – USA – Video recording
- Jurgen Weiland, MSc Hom, HP – Germany – Video recording
- Carol Boyce, CCH – England
- Mahesh Gandhi, MD – India
- Miranda Castro, FSHom, CCH – England
- Farokh Master, MD – India
- Richard Pitt, CCH – England
- Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW – USA
- Amy Rothenberg, ND – USA
- Nandita Shah – India
- Robert Ullman, ND – USA
- Juergen Weiland, HP – Germany
- Phillip Yarnell, MD – USA