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Two hot homeopathic topics, two captivating new books

First a book on Vaccines:

Vaccines: A Reappraisal 
Hardcover – September 19, 2017
by Richard Moskowitz MD

“This book is a masterpiece and a must-read for anyone with concerns about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Engaging and highly accessible, it weaves together cases from Dr. Moskowitz’s own practice with detailed discussion of the scientifically proven links between vaccines and autoimmune disease, SIDS, neurological disorders like autism and ADHD, and the sordid backstory of mandatory vaccination in America.” –Stephanie Seneff, PhD, senior research scientist, MIT

“Dr. Moskowitz’s book provides invaluable help for parents seeking to make up their minds about childhood vaccines. It is well thought out and filled with scientific insight, common sense, and practical wisdom. It synthesizes the scientific, medical, legal, and ethical issues around childhood vaccination like no other book on the market today.” –Mary Holland, JD, research scholar, NYU School of Law

“Richard Moskowitz is the kind of enlightened, compassionate physician every family wants and deserves. His thoughtful, well-researched perspective on vaccines proposes an ethic of informed consent and individual choice, not authoritarian enforcement of a one-size-fits-all policy. This book not only educates, but empowers and inspires as well.” –Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president, National Vaccine Information Center

“Vaccines is a thorough exposition of the subject, including case histories from Dr. Moskowitz’s long experience, supported by credible scientific research, as well as related issues of law and ethics, historical and political background, and even some original hypotheses of his own regarding so much about vaccines that remains unexplored and unknown. It is eminently worth reading for medical professionals and laypeople alike.” –Janet Levatin, MD, board-certified pediatrician

“WOW! Dr. Moskowitz has been exposing the truth about vaccines for many years. His new book is stunning. It brings forth vital information ignored in mainstream medical texts. Thorough and authoritative, it is an essential addition to every vaccine investigator’s library.” –Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM, author of Saying No to Vaccine

About the Author

Richard Moskowitz, MD, a family physician who received his BA from Harvard, Phi Beta Kappa, and his MD from New York University, and a US Steel Fellowship in Philosophy at the University of Colorado. He has been in private practice since 1967. After studying herbs, Japanese acupuncture, and other holistic modalities, he has specialized in homeopathic medicine since 1974, and has written four previous books and over a hundred articles on homeopathy, midwifery, natural healing, and the philosophy of medicine. He resides in Boston, Massachusetts.

Available at Amazon

And the second book, on homeopathy and psychiatry:

Homeopathy & Psychiatry
The Personal Evolution Model
by Dr. Mahesh Gandhi

With each one of us making a personal journey on this plane we are at different levels of individuation. All that we sense, think, feel or perceive is a part of our individual state and an expression of our Personal Evolution. Our inner age that reflects this Personal Evolution, can be very different from our physically manifest biological age. Based on this inner age, we are programmed with certain specific issues that become our life script.

Dr. Gandhi’s work, called the Personal Evolution Model (PEM), speaks about mapping this inner age of a person. Within this new paradigm, Dr. Gandhi has lent fresh relevance and wider utility to the Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdoms. He has also incorporated the understanding of the four Basic Elements in his work along the same lines.

This comprehensive way of understanding an individual, integrates all the other contemporary approaches in Homeopathy under one overarching philosophy. It introduces homeopaths to a framework that will help them to individualize cases coming for treatment. They can study the patients and their pathology from this perspective to arrive at a simillimum. It will prove to be equally useful in the treatment of disease that expresses itself as either a mental disorder or a physical pathology.

The book does not stop at this but also dwells upon the idea of the purpose of illness in general. Illness is seen as having a higher purpose. Recognizing this, we can get closer to our Spiritual Self, which is the ultimate goal of our personal evolution.

Dr. Gandhi teaches PEM in several countries around the world. The framework has been well received worldwide and has been successfully applied in clinical practice by his students.

This book discusses the basic concepts needed to understand this model with charts and illustrative case studies. It is the first part in a series of books that will explain the application of this path-breaking model in the treatment of a variety of psychiatric disorders.

About the Author

Dr. Mahesh Gandhi, MD. , graduated as MD (Psychiatry) in modern medicine in 1981. Dr. Gandhi works in private practice in Mumbai, India, and visits Bharatiya Arogya Nidhi Hospital where he is appointed as an Honorary Psychiatrist.
For more than 25 years Dr. Gandhi has been closely associated with Dr. Rajan Sankaran, sitting in with Dr. Sankaran in daily clinic for many years, recently working with mainly psychiatric cases.

Dr. Gandhi served as Honorary Visiting Lecturer at The College of Management for Postgraduate and Diploma Studies in Tel Aviv, Israel, and has started his own school in Israel.

Dr. Gandhi has given international seminars on the topic of homeopathy and psychiatry in many parts of the world including: USA, Israel, Bulgaria, Croatia, Yugoslavia (Serbia), South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Russia, Japan, Norway, France, Netherlands, Spain, Hungary and Germany. Students now visit from various countries to sit in at Dr. Gandhi’s clinic in India.

Homeopathy – Psychiatry
The Personal Evolution Model
$100 including shipping
Order at: drgandhisclinic@gmail.com

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Barbara Seideneck

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford