Webinar: The “Zeitgeist” in the mirror of Homeopathy and Psychology

Anne Schadde, HP, Germany

Much has changed since the beginning of this century. Everything in our world has grown and expanded at lightning speed: communication, travel, science, health care… and human expectations. Within this fast changing and evolving world, the application of the universal laws of homeopathy are needed more than ever. As we work toward identifying the totality of symptoms for an individual, the work of Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Rudolf Steiner and Bert Hellinger (Family Constellations) help us to integrate additional tools into our homeopathic practices.

At this webinar, Anne Schadde will provide an overview of how to guide clients on their paths to physical and mental recovery and help us to understand how the insights of these authors can stimulate our own psychological growth.

Zeitgeist is the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.

Anne Schadde
Anne Schadde, HP, Germany

Anne Schadde began to practice homeopathy and psychotherapy in Munich/Germany in 1986. She was one of the founders of the Homeopathy Forum in Gauting/Munich and the European & International Councils for Classical Homeopathy and teaches in Germany and other countries. She has conducted homeopathic provings of Ozone, Lithium carbonicum, Cypraea eglantina (Cowrie-Shell), Lignum aquilaria agallocha (a scented wood), Gingko biloba, some of the provings are published in ‘Listening to Stone, Wood and Shell’ and ‘Seven Tourmalines of the Rainbow; A Study with case samples.‘
Visit the youtube of her webinar “The Zeitgeist in the Mirror of Homeopathy and Psychology”

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Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford