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Treating ADHD with Homeopathy

by Sameer Vermani

Wikipedia says that Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly studied and diagnosed mental disorder in children and adolescents. According to western medicine, the cause of this disorder is unknown despite of the large number of research studies on it. Typically, the symptoms appear in young children (<12 years of age) and are characterized by an inability to pay attention in certain situations hampering proper functioning/performance, excessive activity or restlessness, and also a difficulty in controlling one’s behavior according to expected social norms. Stimulant medications (e.g., Ritalin) which are the choice of western medicine for this condition come with a long list of proven and sometimes unknown side effects.
According to homeopathy though, the cause of ADHD is well understood, and it lies in the genetic taint or the ‘miasm’ in the organism which has been acquired over generations giving rise to the predisposition to develop this condition. Since homeopathy always attempts to remove that root cause which is at the heart of such disorders, it offers a great way to have a profoundly positive impact on the state of children and adults with ADHD in a gentle and natural way.

Some of the commonly used remedies for ADHD include Tuberculinum, Tarentula, Phosphorus, Veratrum Album, Medorrhinum, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Carcinosin, Agaricus, Stramonium and Hyoscyamus. In some cases, other remedies may also be required. The exact choice among these depends on the totality of symptoms being portrayed by the patient. Of key importance as always are strange, rare and peculiar symptoms (symptoms which are not typical of every ADHD case, but are strange enough to characterize that particular case of ADHD to give us a clue about the remedy choice). Self-prescribing for this condition is however not recommended, as it requires careful case management, dosing plans and often a series of remedies prescribed by a competent homeopath to find a path to full recovery.

In my homeopathy practice, https://www.dynamichealinghomeopathy.com/, I often see children with ADHD make giant leaps towards healthy functioning and achieving freedom from all the limitations that it can often bring. I cannot recommend homeopathy strongly enough for children with such a condition as the treatment can often have such long-term benefits, that it can alter the life trajectory of such children in a very positive direction, doing so in a non-toxic way.
To conclude, I would like to say that homeopathy can be a great boon to parents who have children with ADHD, and can offer long term resolution of this deep-seated complaint in a gentle, permanent and often rapid manner.

Sameer Vermani

My Background: Journey to Homeopathy

Some things are just meant to be. One may call it destiny, one may call it Karma, or you may call it quirk of fate, but a Bachelors and Masters in Engineering is not something you would normally associate with a homeopath. As a child, I always wanted to be a doctor, but in a family of Engineers, it was hard to convince anyone about doing the long haul of medical education. So, ‘falling in line’, I went to one of the best Engineering schools in India for my Bachelors, and then one of the best Engineering schools in the world for my Masters Degree.  Who would have known that life still had something in store for me which while not quite making me a doctor would enable me to ‘heal’ in the true sense. My fortuitous dive into homeopathy happened through the miraculous impact it had on me in the resolution of a deep seated auto-immune illness in 2006.

Since the cure of my auto-immune illness through homeopathy in 2006, I have devoted a large chunk of my time and energy to delve deep into this amazing science of holistic healing.  It initially started as a hobby but soon became a burning passion to spread awareness about this healing art through helping people. From 2009-2012, I completed 3 years of rigorous education in homeopathy including a Professional Practitioner Certification in Homeopathy (C. Hom.) and an intensive Advanced Clinical Studies program at Homeopathy School International, CO, USA. I currently practice (mainly on weekends) out of my home office in San Diego, CA where I see patients in-person. Additionally, I offer Skype based consults for off-site patients. Since 2007, I have been helping people of all ages overcome chronic disease and achieve long lasting vitality.

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