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Curing a Cataract

A case by Erastus E. Case, MD

A wife and mother, aged forty-seven years, has cortical cataracts in both eyes, most advanced in the left eye. She is scrofulous (mycobacterial cervical lymphadenitis), dirty looking, unhealthy skin, and is subject to rheumatic pains in the joints. The menses are late and scanty.

The left side of the face is badly scarred from a burn received in early childhood. On July 18, 1892 I prescribed Causticum 1 M Boericke & Tafel, four powders in one day.

October 13 the vision has improved until recently. I prescribed Causticum 40 M Fincke, in solution, four doses in one day.

February 9, 1893 right eye clear, some traces of cataract remain in left eye. I prescribed Causticum CM Fincke, one powder.

May 13, 1893 the vision is clear; no traces of cataract in either eye.

She lived twenty years longer with good vision.

HSI Staff

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Barbara Seideneck

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford