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A Case of Nightmares

American Journal of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Nov. 1868, Philadelphia
Dr. Van Tagen, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

February 5, 1868: Lee McK., aged 4 years, a light-complexioned, blue-eyed, sandy-haired boy, previous to this date, for more than two years was disturbed every night (so the mother of the child positively asserted), with the most horrid nightmares.

The child would always awake once, and sometimes 3 to 4 times, nightly, with fearful fright, uttering sudden, startling and piercing cries and vow there was some dreadful beast under his bed or in the room. Not until the gas was lit and the room was thoroughly searched would he be appeased so as to be induced to go to sleep again.

Disposition of the boy is naturally good but has been rendered nervous, peevish and fretful, in consequence of these sudden and repeated frights.

Chamomilla 200, two doses put to flight the above symptoms most effectually, at least there has not been, as yet, any return, Sept. 1868.

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