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Video: Cell Salts for Common Complaints

Kristen Santangelo, CHom, CCH, RSHom (NA), C.HP

Tune in to this zoom session webinar to learn about Cell Salts, a simplified form of homeopathic treatment developed over 140 years ago by German homeopathic physician Dr. Heinrich Schuessler. From his biochemical research Dr. Schuessler concluded that disease is a result of nutritional deficiencies of the body’s building blocks (minerals). He named these building blocks “Cells Salts”. Dr. Schuessler identified 12 Cells Salts and determined how these relate to the physical signs of deficiency. In this webinar we will look at how to use the 12 Cell Salts for every day ailments and discuss indications, dosing, and the therapeutic benefits of each one.
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Kristen Santangelo
Kristen Santangelo, CHom, CCH, RSHom (NA), C.HP

Kristen Santangelo is nationally certified by the Council for Homeopathic Certification and registered with the North American Society of Homeopaths. She graduated from the Professional and Advanced trainings at the Homeopathy School International (HSI). Kristen has practiced Classical Homeopathy in Exton, PA since 2012, has done extensive post-graduate training and is a Certified Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner. Kristen is currently a teaching assistant at HSI overseeing student assignments.

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Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford