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Antidotes and Interferences

The idea of antidotes is a controversial topic in homeopathy. In my practice, they are very very real, and I will present some clear cases to illustrate not only the correct remedy, but also the clear result from antidotes and how that is handled. I first learned about antidotes from George Vithoulkas and have experimented myself since to determine what truly antidotes in many cases and what does not. Of course, there are other interferences such as steroids, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, opioids, and others that affect outcomes from correct prescriptions even if they are not antidotes. Based on 49 years of Classical Homeopathy practice, I will offer my experience in how to manage these issues.

Bill Gray
Bill Gray

I graduated from Stanford Medical School with an MD, and did my internship at a local county hospital. During my training, I realized that allopathic medicine was ineffective in truly curing chronic disease, and toxic to boot! Reflecting on a few cases who responded “inexplicably” to alternative medicines, I explored various alternative medicines and came across homeopathy. I closed my medical practice and moved to Greece for 3 ½ years to study with George Vithoulkas. I was the first foreign graduate of the Athenian School of Homeopathy.

I have now been practicing Classical Homeopathy for 49 years, authored “Homeopathy: Science or Myth?” and also edited/“ghost-wrote” Vithoulkas’ “Science of Homeopathy”. In my career, I have lectured for years in homeopathic schools throughout the world and co-founded the Hahnemann College in Berkeley, CA. I represented North America at Hahnemann’s Bicentennial Celebration in Munich and was the first recipient of the annual Henry Williams Award for Service to the Community.

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Barbara Seideneck

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford