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Video: Let’s talk about Potency and Dose – with Kim Elia

Kim Elia

In this zoom session Kim will explore various approaches to homeopathic posology (potency and dose), historically and practically. He will touch upon different methods from the 4th, 5th and 6th editions of the Organon and present case examples. Kim will also share his reasoning for the selected potency and dose. During this zoom session you will learn specific details about how to utilize the posology methods available in homeopathic work.

Kim Elia, CEO of WholeHealthNow
Kim Elia

Kim was inspired to study homoeopathy when he read Gandhi’s quote about homœopathy: “Homœopathy cures a greater percentage of cases than any other method of treatment; homœopathy is the latest and refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently.” Kim has been studying homœopathy since 1987 and graduated from the New England School of homœopathy.
Kim is known for his dynamic and distinctive teaching methods which reflect his immense knowledge of the remedies and his genuine desire to educate everyone about this affordable and effective healing modality. Kim was the principal instructor and developer of the four-year classical homœopathy program at the Hahnemann Academy in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan. He now serves as CEO of WholeHealthNow, a comprehensive informational resource for students and professionals.

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Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford