Harassing Dry Cough

Published by the Central New York Homeopathic Medical Society (Case # 230)
A Case by Edward Loomis, MD
September 1867

E.M. L., in the 16th year of his age; tall and slim; growing rapidly; pale face, light blue eyes, dark brown hair, active temperament, and in active business (work), requiring at times, violent running and lifting heavy boxes, was taken in September 1867, with a dry harassing cough, affecting more or less both day and night, but not otherwise making him sick. It did not seem to be at all in consequence of getting a cold.

He was treated with Belladonna, Aconite, and Nux vom. As symptoms seem to indicate, with varying success. In the latter part of October after 5 to 6 weeks of coughing Haemoptysis (coughing up expectoration of blood or blood-stained sputum – often in Tuberculosis) set in. Being brought on by slight exercise at any time, yet raising at times considerable quantities of blood; the first raised would be coagulated; it was a bright red color. This was finally arrested under the influence of Aconite. H e was not seriously reduced, and for about six weeks was more or less out doors, but did not return to his business (work).

On the 16th of December he had a return of the hemorrhage, which was repeated once in six hours for several days, coughing up at each time from one-third to a teacup full of pure blood. Aconite was again and repeatedly resorted to, but without the least effect. Hamamelis, Ipecac and Veratrum viride proved as perfectly ineffective.

Phosphorus was given; the effect was immediate and perfect, the patient declaring that before he had it down for five minutes, that he felt an improvement. The hemorrhage was from that time completely controlled. Since that period h has had several attacks of hemorrhage, and indications of its approach, which have always yielded at once to the use of Phosporus.

HSI Staff

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Barbara Seideneck

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