Amazing how it has been 30 years of continuous progress at the Homeopathy School since that beautiful fall day, when 23 enthusiastic students met for their first Homeopathy class in Denver. Just as the glowing Aspen leaves drop from the trees, an enchanting time in the Colorado Mountains, the golden light and mood of the season bring up lovely memories of great times at the school.
The involvement with homeopathy has touched and changed the lives of many of our students and our faculty. We are so grateful for the support from our students and alumni which comes with their participation in provings and with the many beautiful emails and comments we receive. As of today, students and graduates of HSI serve on the school’s Advisory Board, participate in online sessions, and sometimes just plainly, ask for advice for their case work and/or their practice.
In hindsight, establishing a school in the 1990’s does not seem to be a coincidence. During the 1990’s, a come-back for homeopathy became apparent, one could say there was a substantial resurgence of homeopathy. The need for natural systems of healing became very clear and what could be better than homeopathy, offering reliable natural medicines deeply rooted in tradition and efficacy.
Special Anniversary Offer for new students
How HSI came about
The Practitioner Certificate Program at the school, one of the first modern US training opportunities in Classical Homeopathy, started with a partnership of Mark Manton and Barbara Seideneck, supported by the Massage Therapy Institute of Colorado. In 1990, the school was approved by the State of Colorado, established as an independent non-profit institution earning its non-profit status 501(c)(3) in 1995. The program quickly expanded from a one-year to a three-year program meeting the hour requirement of the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC).

In 1996, the school moved from Denver to Boulder, Colorado, with a classroom at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Nationally and internationally recognized for excellence in homeopathic education, HSI now offers study options to students worldwide. After teaching in a classroom setting for over twenty years, the school’s Distance Education Program was established in 2002. By April 2017, HSI was the first Distance Education Program to be accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America (ACHENA). HSI is a founding member of the Council of Homeopathy Schools and Colleges (CHSC) an organization dedicated to the development and improvement of educational programs in Classical Homeopathy.
From the early beginning, the school received support from many generous homeopaths and experts in education. With great appreciation, we think of David Warkentin, the developer of McRepertory/Reference Works and Julian Winston, long-time editor of Homeopathy Today and well respected homeopathic historian. Both were instrumental in the school’s early development. Unfortunately, they left this world early but during their lives they made valuable contributions to the growth of homeopathy.
At HSI we would like to give many thanks to our staff and to all instructors who taught at the school throughout the decades, including: Carol Boyce, Miranda Castro, Kim Elia, Mahesh Gandhi, Alastair Gray, Bill Gray, Ian Luepker, Farokh Master, Misha Norland, Richard Pitt, Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, Amy Rothenberg, Anne Schadde, Jody Shevins, Dorothy Simoni, Robert Ullman, Juergen Weiland, Julian Winston, Barbara Yarnell – and our “thank you” is also extended to anyone who contributed to the school and is not on this list.
After thirty years, here at HSI, we feel great gratitude for how far the school has come, and are looking forward to a great future for homeopathy and the school.
What else is happening at HSI?
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom… The October Case Study group with Polly Millet, RN, CCH was well received. Students really enjoyed discussing one of their own cases and found that the meeting greatly contributed to honing their case work skills. More Zoom sessions are being scheduled for 2021 and 2022.
For free Zoom sessions, visit: https://www.homeopathyschool.org/webinars/ To be notified for upcoming free sessions, visit: https://www.homeopathyschool.org/contact-us/
We are proud of our Graduates who recently took the October CHC Exam, and are excited to hear about their results. If you are interested in acquiring clinical hours for the CHC exam requirements, visit: https://www.homeopathyschool.org/courses-tuition/
Colleen is back… Colleen Fee, CHom, OMC is back as Student Advisor. Colleen graduated from HSI in 1997, taught when the school was still meeting in a classroom and supported the office. She is available to students for help and advice.

Thanks for reading and for your ongoing support!