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Posts about Students

China Officinalis

A poem by Jill Dema, HSI student In the realm of remedies, China Officinalis, Abbreviated as Chin, a healing apparatus. First proven in homeopathy’s tender embrace, A portrait of traits, a therapeutic grace. Introverted, intense, touchy, and idealistic, A soul attuned to the world, sensitive and mystic. Ideal for teenagers, excitable in the night, Walter

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Why I am a student of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is fascinating! I was lucky enough to have been exposed to the wonders of homeopathy 12 years ago when my oldest son was a baby with chronic wheezing. Looking for a better solution than the cookie-cutter answers my pediatrician gave every week, I changed to a holistic pediatrician who didn’t let his ego get in the way of helping his patients. He understood that my precious little baby needed the steroids and breathing treatments in order to breathe, but that it wouldn’t address the root issue. He suggested seeing a homeopathic practitioner.

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Homestead Homeopathy

Living in rural SW Colorado, homeopathic remedies fit seamlessly into my daily country life. There’s a remedy for all that ails us – even for our fur babies!

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Homeopathy for Environmental Allergies

This overview of multiple trials aimed to confirm that homeopathy is not just a placebo effect. The design was the gold standard of studies – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multi-center study.

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How can Classical Homeopathy Help your PMS: Insights from Two Studies

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be a challenging condition for women and adolescents, characterized by a range of physical and emotional symptoms during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle. In the pursuit of effective PMS management, classical homeopathy has emerged as a potential holistic approach. This article provides concise summaries of two studies that delve into the efficacy of classical homeopathy in addressing PMS, shedding light on its potential benefits.

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Homeopathy for Head Injuries: A Pathway to Healing

Head injuries can really change a person’s life. According to the CDC, over 1.5 million people the United States alone experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year. About 75% of them have a “mild” traumatic brain injury (MTBI), commonly known as concussions. Don’t let the term “mild” fool you though, as they can have significant consequences, leaving people with lasting impairments and disabilities.

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Dancing in the Dark

Can you guess the remedy? I hadn’t intended to stay out late, but the joy of traveling is leaving yourself open to the unexpected. So even though I was exhausted from the flight, had yet to shower or change my clothes, I heard the music and knew I had to follow it.

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The Vital Force

The Vital Force is the unseen animating force that brings life to the body, maintaining a state of homeostasis and doing all the ridiculously complicated life processes behind the scenes while we go about our day. This force clearly possesses a certain level of intelligence (although likely not an intellect, as it were) and is autonomous in relation to our conscious mind, although being embedded within the same system, is undeniably influenced by, and influences, that system as a whole.

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Homeopathy on the Farm – A Case of a Pet Chicken with a Broken Leg

Homeopathy is a wonderful medicine for a wide range of problems, not just for our family but for our animals as well. We enjoy living on a small farm and raise various livestock and pets. Raising animals from birth to grave (or table) can be very rewarding but also heartbreaking. When you live in a rural area you have to be prepared to deal with sudden midnight births, infections, predators, and freak accidents on your own.

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On the Horizon

Can you guess the homeopathic remedy? Low, slow, and mystical. She woke to a blanket of white creeping over the hills, the kind of October morning where the potential is almost palpable. Fields of amber and gold against a pale purple sky—they seemed a comb for the fog, disappearing then reappearing from view. The rising

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Plant Sources for Homeopathic Remedies

Jürgen Weiland, a homeopath in Bonn, Germany is also a passionate photographer, and over the past years he has used this skill to approach, identify and document the plant kingdom. His plant database is published on: www.pflanzenportraits.com  The Photographer Jürgen lives and practices homeopathy in Bonn, Germany, where he has been running a clinic since...

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What’s Love Got to Do with It?

What's Love Got to Do with It? You may recognize these lyrics from Tina Turner's song which was released in 1984 and became her best-selling single. She goes on to sing, "Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?" And what does homeopathy have to do with that? As homeopaths are apt to...

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China Officinalis

A poem by Jill Dema, HSI student In the realm of remedies, China Officinalis, Abbreviated as Chin, a healing apparatus. First proven in homeopathy’s tender embrace, A portrait of traits, a therapeutic grace. Introverted, intense, touchy, and idealistic, A soul attuned to the world, sensitive and mystic. Ideal for teenagers, excitable in the night, Walter...

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Why I am a student of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is fascinating! I was lucky enough to have been exposed to the wonders of homeopathy 12 years ago when my oldest son was a baby with chronic wheezing. Looking for a better solution than the cookie-cutter answers my pediatrician gave every week, I changed to a holistic pediatrician who didn’t let his ego get...

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Homestead Homeopathy

Living in rural SW Colorado, homeopathic remedies fit seamlessly into my daily country life. There’s a remedy for all that ails us – even for our fur babies!

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Homeopathy for Environmental Allergies

This overview of multiple trials aimed to confirm that homeopathy is not just a placebo effect. The design was the gold standard of studies – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multi-center study.

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How can Classical Homeopathy Help your PMS: Insights from Two Studies

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be a challenging condition for women and adolescents, characterized by a range of physical and emotional symptoms during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle. In the pursuit of effective PMS management, classical homeopathy has emerged as a potential holistic approach. This article provides concise summaries of two studies that delve...

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Homeopathy for Head Injuries: A Pathway to Healing

Head injuries can really change a person’s life. According to the CDC, over 1.5 million people the United States alone experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year. About 75% of them have a "mild" traumatic brain injury (MTBI), commonly known as concussions. Don't let the term "mild" fool you though, as they can have...

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Homeopathy for Acute Allergies

April showers bring May flowers and often the uncomfortable symptoms of seasonal allergies. Instead of reaching for over-the-counter antihistamines, get to the root of the problem by choosing a homeopathic medicine instead. Homeopathy can relieve the symptoms of allergies based on the foremost principle of Homeopathy - Similia similibus curentur: "Let likes be cured with...

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The Essence of Chocolate

Chocolate. Silky, smooth, soothing, and delicious. Bitter and dark, sweet or made with milk. Truffles, tarts, cake, bars, candies, sauce, fondue, syrup, cookies, and the list goes on. Since at least 450 AD, people have consumed chocolate, and today the global chocolate industry is worth almost $128 billion dollars. Around the world, 7.5 million tons...

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Dancing in the Dark

Can you guess the remedy? I hadn’t intended to stay out late, but the joy of traveling is leaving yourself open to the unexpected. So even though I was exhausted from the flight, had yet to shower or change my clothes, I heard the music and knew I had to follow it.

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Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford